Static Vs Sealed
Abstract vs Sealed
Extending Sealed class /Extension Methods
Why Linq when we have ADo.net
Why Linq?
Edmx File
Entity Framework /Code first vs Database first in Entity/Poco Entities
Unit Testing your Asp.net MVC (How you unit test your MVC application)
Why MVC why not Asp.net
$ in jquery-can you change that
Different Selectors in Jquery /why Jquery
Why LInq why not Ado.net
how to define an extension methods
Nullable Types?
Value type and refrence type
Difference between Stored procedure and UDEF (user defined functions)
Global and local tables (## ,#)
What is Asp.net MVC ?
How does routing works in Asp.net MVC
Action filters in Asp.net MVC [OnAction
What is MVC
Multicast delegate
Calling only one function in multicast delegate out of many *
Difference between WebApplication and WebSite ?
Difference between Trace and Debug
what are Func
Func Vs Delegate ?
Func Vs Action -(Same as Multi Cast delegate)
Action dosen't have a return type
Why from where select in LInq Instad of Select from where
Query Expressions -How does query Expressions work -Expression Trees work
Lazy loading /Deffered execution
Outer Join in LINq -Yes possible
Basic Vs WS http binding (WS-* -atomic/transactions/Soap 1.2/)--Message security