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Int Ques ACCn
Routed events in Silverlight
custome routed events in WPF
Iobservable collection
What are dependency property ?
Syntax for dependency property.
Why dependency property is static .
How silverlight application interacts with webservices ?
How silverlight application interacts with Database ?
What are XAP files.
How to optimize XAP file..
Multiple bindings in WCF
Binding in WPF, one way two way bindings..
Inotify property changed
Logical and visual tree in WPF
Generics , what are generics ..have u used genericss.where have u used them.
New Bindings in WCF 4.0 (basicWebHttpContext bindings)
Have u used multiple bindings in WCF, if yes when.
Per session and Per call in WCF
Factory pattern, mediator pattern, singleton , observer pattern,proxy claees
calling wcf asynchronously from Silverlight application
what is MVVM
how is interaction in MVVM ..within various components
why MVVM not mvc (basically because of binding structure ,navigaton and dependency prop)
Template /Data temmplate /control template
logical vs visual tree
visual studio 2010
coded UI
Automated build in visual studio 2010
What are various ways of datacontext implemetation in WPF
DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
this.Datacontext == and set it to observable collection .
<ListView x:Name="gameListView" ItemsSource=
"{Binding ElementName=This, Path=GameCollection}">
What are DataTemplateSelectors -selecting Datatemplate at runtime .
Ivalue Convertors
User control in WPF
<UserControl x:Class ="/>